May Contain Podcast is breaking the stigma and lifting the lid on inspiring individuals who are making a difference. Each week we have different guests who are breaking barriers, challenging norms, and shine a spotlight on the extraordinary individuals who are creating positive change. The podcast has been featured on BBC News and BBC Live. Instagram @_maycontain TikTok @_maycontain Website - may-contain.com

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
First Holiday, First Night Out, and Everything in-between with Aaron Jones
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
In this week's episode of May Contain Podcast. I’m joined by my very good friend Aaron. It was great to have Aaron on the podcast to discuss what it was like growing up together, going on our first lads holiday, eating out with an allergy, and how we managed my allergies in my teenage years. A few years later both of his younger brothers got diagnosed with allergies, it was interesting to hear Aaron side of the story and how growing up with me gave him the confidence to help his younger brothers to not be defined by their allergies. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Against all the odds with Julianne Ponan
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
I’m joined by Julianne Ponan, founder of Creative Nature and one of Forbes “30 Under 30 to watch”. It was great to have Julianne on the podcast to find out about her upbringing living with so many severe allergies, and how she started an allergy-free brand when all the odds were against her. When Julianne bought Creative Nature it was losing over £56,000 she turned the brand around, and made it a massive success! When she was looking for investors they told her she was “just a little girl”. She defied them and made Creative Nature the success it is today through hard work, grit and determination to make great tasting products which are safe to eat! Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Managing Callum's 28+ Allergies with Nathalie Newman
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
I’m joined by Nathalie Newman, most of you would know her as the Intolerant Gourmand, she is a massive allergy advocate, writer, speaker, and now podcaster. We talk about her young boy Callum who lives with over 28 severe allergies and she manages Callum allergies on a day to day basis. Also, talk about her how the allergy-free market is only getting bigger, and why she decided to start an Allergy Podcast. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Wednesday May 20, 2020
The Importance of the Epi-Pen with Lindiwe Lewis
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
In the episode of May Contain, I'm joined by the incredible Lindiwe from "The Allergy Table". She shares allergy-free recipes, food preparation tips, product & restaurant reviews and her personal diary living with severe allergies on her blog. We talk about Lindiwes experiences managing her allergies in Switzerland and New York and talk about how the Anaphylaxis Campaign helped support her when she was in school. Finally, we touch on the importance of always carrying the Epi-Pen and how it saved her life on multiple occasions. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Allergy Free Ice Cream with Yorica
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
On this weeks episode, I’m joined by Simon Foster at London first allergy-free Restaurant, Yorica. Yorica serves up the most delicious ice cream, shakes, waffles, and crepes! But more importantly, everything is free from all 14 major allergens, meaning everyone can safely work their way through the whole menu! It was great to sit down with Simon, to get a better insight into Yorica and find out more about their story and how they make ice cream so tasty and even better, allergy safe. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Mental Health and Isolation with Tash Salmon
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
On today's May-Contain podcast I'm joined by Tash Salmon from The i Paper. I'm good friends with Tash and it was great to have her on the podcast again to talk about the effect of being in isolation and how this is impacting on our mental health. It was a really interesting podcast episode to gain a better insight into how mental health is affecting us and Tash gave her insight into little things that have helped her manage her mental health along the way. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Allergies & Eczema with What Allergy
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
On today's May-Contain podcast I'm joined by Ruth from What Allergy. In this episode, we talk about Ruth's upbringing with her allergies and eczema. We speak in-depth about starting an allergy blog and Ruth’s experience of going into Anaphylaxis Shock. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Allergy Free Desserts with Stacy Forsey
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
On this weeks episode, I’m joined by Stacy Forsey who starred on a reality TV show called Real Housewives of Cheshire for three years until she decided to step aside from the show to launch her cookbook aimed at helping families combat food allergies and intolerances. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
The Great British Bake Off with Rosie Brandreth-Poynter
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
I’m joined by Rosie Brandreth-Poynter recently appeared on The Great British Bake Off and got to the Semi-Finals. We discuss what it was like being on the show with an allergy, experiences growing up, how she fell in love with cooking & having a NUT RUNNER on the show. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Natasha Ednan-Laperouse Final Moments with Tanya & Nadim
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
In this week's episode of May Contain Podcast. I’m joined by Tanya & Nadim who sadly lost their 15-year-old daughter Natasha Ednan-Laparouse after she had eaten a Pret sandwich on a flight to Nice, France. We discuss the really sad events that unfolded as soon after Natasha had eaten the Pret sandwich. Since Natasha’s tragedy, Tanya and Nadim have introduced ‘Natasha’s Law’ requires food businesses to fully label all pre-packed food. Find out more about the amazing work they do at Natasha Allergy Research Foundation. Follow May Contain on Instagram and Twitter @_maycontain | https://www.may-contain.com/